The Northwest Michigan Business Atlas is dedicated to helping all businesses in Northwest Michigan locate business resources. Can't find what you need? Click here to send a suggestion.

View upcoming seminars, training sessions and more to help you start or grow your business!

  • Your selections:
  • Michigan Small Business Development Center (MI-SBDC)
    Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs - Regulated Insurance Entities,4601,7-154-10555_13251_13262---,00.html

  • Michigan Small Business Development Center (MI-SBDC)
    Preparing a Cash Flow Statement - MI-SBDC

    Can your business dream generate income and achieve your financial goals? Several cash analysis spreadsheets are included for your use from blank forms for your input to examples of completed financial plan documents.

  • Michigan Small Business Development Center (MI-SBDC)
    UpNorth Business - Keeping the Customers You Already Have

    An article was originally posted on the web site highlighting customer retention with practical advise. Here are some simple steps to build customer allegiance

  • Michigan Small Business Development Center (MI-SBDC)
    Financing Options for Small Businesses - MI-SBDC

    These pages are intended to help you better understand the range of financing options for potential entrepreneurs and existing entrepreneurs. No one method is recommended over any other

  • Michigan Small Business Development Center (MI-SBDC)
    Northern Initiatives

    Start-ups and fast growing businesses are among the most common types of businesses that benefit from Northern Initiatives lending program, a wide range of loan packages designed to meet diverse business needs is also offered.

  • Michigan Small Business Development Center (MI-SBDC)
    SBA: How to Prepare a Loan Package

    Self-paced training program, 29 PowerPoint slides with audio voiceover.