The Northwest Michigan Business Atlas is dedicated to helping all businesses in Northwest Michigan locate business resources. Can't find what you need? Click here to send a suggestion.

View upcoming seminars, training sessions and more to help you start or grow your business!

  • Your selections:
  • Michigan Small Business Development Center (MI-SBDC)
    SBA: Determining the Value of a Business

    Before you make any purchase, you want to know what you're paying for, right? The same is especially true when you are acquiring a business. Before purchasing your business, you need to determine the value of the business and determine if there is a profitable future given its current condition.

  • Michigan Small Business Development Center (MI-SBDC)
    SBA: Understanding Equity Capital Equity Capital

    Equity capital or financing is money raised by a business in exchange for a share of ownership in the company. Ownership is represented by owning shares of stock outright or having the right to convert other financial instruments into stock of that private company. Two key sources of equity capital for new and emerging businesses are angel investors and venture capital firms.

  • Michigan Small Business Development Center (MI-SBDC)
    Entrepreneurial Training - MI-SBDC

    Small business related classes taught though the Extended Education Office of Northwestern Michigan College in Traverse City

  • Michigan Small Business Development Center (MI-SBDC)
    Fundamentals of Starting a Business

    Starting a Business Workshops are offered in the Northwest Region on a monthly basis, at no cost to Small Business Development Center participants. Consider all the aspects of what it takes to go from an idea to creating a business, and support in finding the answers to critical business questions. Workshops are 2-3 hours and includes SBDC's Guide to Starting and Operating a Small Business.

  • Michigan Small Business Development Center (MI-SBDC)
    Research Information / Business Resource Centers

  • Michigan Small Business Development Center (MI-SBDC)
    Northwest Michigan Population and Economic Data